Thursday, September 8, 2016

Elaboration Likelihood Model

The Elaboration Likelihood Model is how likely you are to make a decision. "ELM asserts that there are two different ways in which people process communication. These ways are called 'routes' and they stimulate our mental processes in distinct main roads" (Durmaz, Suher, & Bir, 2016, p.45). There is central route thinking and peripheral route thinking.

Central route thinking deals with the logistics. Facts, science, and evidence play a key role in making a decision via central route thinking. This is typically the best route to choose when it comes to decision making. Central route thinking isn't present in this ad. If people want to drink milk, then they will. They don't need science to persuade them to buy a common household item.

The other element of the Elaboration Likelihood Model is peripheral route thinking. The peripheral route thinking involves making a decision without considering important details. This Got Milk? ad uses celebrity, Hayden Panettiere. This appeals to the audience because if a celebrity is drinking milk, then they are more likely to drink milk. This ad purposely poses Hayden sideways to show off her slim figure. Peripheral route thinkers would be more likely to drink milk because they think it will make them slim, like Hayden.

Durmaz, G., Suher, H., Bir, C. 2016. Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) In Press Advertisements: A Content Analysis of Advertisements Which Is Positioned In Special and General Interest Magazines. Journal of Yasar University, 11(41), 45-55. doi:

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